Friday 18 March is Global Recycling Day 2022 and GiffGaff have written an article on 10 good apps (all free) to help cut waste. Check it out at
Martin Lewis’ ‘money saving expert’ also has some tips at
Local Recycling Options
Books – and
Bottle Tops (Plastic only) – Lowdham Womens Institute. Please leave in plastic bag in Porch. They go to a cancer hospital in Mansfield
Bras / pants –
Clothes – Lowdham Co-op car park
Electrics – B&Q Netherfield Store Exit
Glass – Lowdham Village Hall
Ink Cartridges – Lowdham Co-op Store (by notice board)
Medicine Blister Packs (Empty!) –
Soft Plastic – Lowdham Co-op Store (by tills) – Roughly described as if you scrunch it up then it spring back. The Co-op will also give you a yellow bag to recycle your plastic (ask at the tills). The Co-op are proactive in recycling and champion it within their stores. The plastic is taken back to their depot and responsibly recycled through a professional firm. We have asked them for more information to highlight the good work they do.
Old Specs – Specsavers in Bingham have a donations bucket, probably other stores too
Tetrapacks (with tops) – Southwell Leisure Centre
Other – Charity Shops eg Notts Hospice in Burton Joyce