Lowdham Sustainability Hub is a new group forming in the village with the mindset of helping our village become more proactive in protecting the environment. There are many such groups around the UK acting under the banner of ‘Transition’ and the hope is that Lowdham can do its part in living in a far more sustainable way.
We are very much at the setting up stage and our hope is that this will be a community led project using Facebook and other communication channels to share ideas, post interesting projects or simply offering up things of interest that have a sustainability bias.
We would very much like to hear from anyone who is interested to help us form this group. Also, for any suggestions that villagers or organisations have which will go towards reducing our carbon footprint in any way possible.
This is a project that we hope the whole village can get behind and take on as its own. To that end we have secured some help from Nottingham Trent University who have agreed that two separate groups of students can give us some time to help gather input and understanding of what the village wants.
Over the next few months various village groups may be contacted by the students who plan to carry out a survey of your thoughts on the relationship between Lowdham and how we can actively support the fight against climate change. We would be most grateful if you would support us by engaging with these students as they develop the projects that will ultimately help us achieve a more sustainable Lowdham.
Over the next few weeks please keep a lookout for posters and QR code links to a questionnaire plus other ideas that help us move this project forward. If you’d like to join us and become more involved, please complete your details below and drop in at Co-op, Old Ship, Post Office or Corner Store – or email us at transition.lowdham@gmail.com with your name and contact number.
Lowdham School is keen to be involved and is sending parents the questionnaire. We hope to support the work already being done in the school about sustainability and climate change.
If you’d like to take the survey then copies are available at the boxes, or can be completed or downloaded at https://lowdhamvolunteers.org/sustainability-hub/survey/ .
Please join us and make Lowdham more sustainable.
Thank you