Getting out cash from Post Office.
- The issue is to have a process that is
- Safe in terms in social distancing
- Gives assurance / comfort to the isolator
- Protects the volunteer from false accusations
- Any process has to have a certain degree of trust between the parties.
- Although there have been several recent articles about how cash can be withdrawn not all are currently in use at all Post Offices.
- It is possible for a volunteer to cash a cheque written by the isolator but this needs to be set up in advance with the Isolator’s bank.
- What is currently possible is, where there is trust between the isolator and volunteer, for isolator to give the volunteer their card – but not their Pin – and cash can be withdrawn. Process would be
- Isolator gives volunteer their card. Volunteer writes out amount in receipt book and explains they will get cash and then ask isolator to sign to say they have received the cash.
- Volunteer goes to Post Office and explains they are collecting the cash.
- Post Office calls isolator to say volunteer is at Post office to collect certain amount of cash on their behalf. Isolator gives Post Office their pin. This means volunteer never knows the Pin so never has both the Card and the Pin.
- Post Office put cash and card in envelope.
- Volunteer takes envelope back to isolator and asks isolator to count cash and then sign receipt to confirm they have received all the cash and their card back.
- Volunteer retains receipt book. Volunteer takes photo of receipt for their records (as receipt book may be used by other volunteers)