Flood Insurance

Re-newing Insurance

Some residents have been concerned about how recent flood claims will affect their ability to continue to have insurance

Information is available from the National Flood Form. The site has a dedicated insurance page. We have spoken to Jean Timmins and she is happy to take calls on 01299 403055 (leave message, will call you back) or by Email at jean.timmins@floodforum.org.uk

Insurance companies do have to offer you a renewal if they are part of Insurance-Re. Recently this has been questioned so we are researching the situation. Flood-Re was introduced in 2016 and at the time enabled people to get insurance at a non-exploitative premium and excess. This was possible because the insurance company was then able to re-insure its risk with a separate Re-Insurance company. Details available here and from the Flood re website ( Flood Re website ).

Performance of Insurers

The performance of insurers varies. residents can share their experiences on our Facebook page @lowdhamflag